Debendra Dhal

Village/Post : Khilei
Block : Tileibani, District : Deogarh
Mobile : 966898s908
Age : 43 years
Qualification : +2Arts
Total Land : 5 Acre
Cultivable Land : 3 Acre
Agril.Experience : 9 years
SocialRecognization:”Farmer Professor” by Research-
Extension committee of the district

Pond based integrated farming system (IFS)

His IFS is comprised of 3 acres of land where one acre is the water area with 2 ponds. In one acre he cultivates medium duration rice in kharif which later on changed to rice – toria-greengram cropping system. The bonds of both the ponds are full of banana and mango plantation. One side is also covered with pointed and spine gourds. From one acre rice based cropping system he gets a net return about Rs. 40,000/-. Throughout the year he cultivates seasonal vegetables in one acre which fetches him more than Rs. 75,000/- net return. From the mango, litchi and banana plantation he earns about Rs. 57,000/-. From both the ponds, spending about  Rs. 25000/- in pisciculture he gets about Rs. 70000/-. He has two mixed jersey breed cows, from where he earns Rs. 20,000/- per annum. His total income comes more than Rs. 2,50,000/- from this IFS. Besides his total family  gets employment from his own farm. All the residues or bi-product of one component is used to bring  enhancement of yield of the other. Being a graduate he is now proud of  leading a self contained independent life. His IFS is full of latest scientific interventions from the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and different line departments. He has tilapia fish, fresh water prawn, mulching on banana which are new to the district. By this scientific temperament he has been awarded from the district administration and State Govt. for his innovativeness. The district Research Extension Committee has designated him as “Farmer Professor” being a role model to the fellow farmers of the locality.